Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Three Week Anniversary

Yesterday marked my three week anniversary in Japan. Somehow, it doesn`t feel like three weeks has gone by. It doesn`t feel as if it has been a long time, but it also doesn`t feel like time has flown by. It`s an odd sensation.

I can`t help but look back and and be proud of how much I`ve accomplished. I`ve been able to achieve so many of my dreams in such a short time. I`ve been able to attend a Hana Bi Matsuri, watch traditional Taiko drumming, start school, go to a K-pop concert, travel to the mountains and also to the ocean. I`ve hiked up to Inuyama castle, figured out the bus and subway system, and sucessfully managed to to learn how to text on my Japanese cellphone (who knew spaces could be so difficult).

But is looking in to the future, when I realize how special my year will be. According to my schedule, I will rarely have a free weekend for a long time. I have many exciting events that will be happening over the next few months and I will be posting about them as often as possible.

When I am able to get internet on my own computer, I am hoping to be able to add photos into all of my blog posts.

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